Monday, March 21, 2011

Luck o' the Irish

Because it was my friend KB's birthday, we all decided to go out on St. Patty's day to an Irish bar near our workplaces. Thus the trip to PJ Clarke's was born. And while we enjoyed the bar (although the crowds were predictably a negative point to the evening, as was the lack of any hard cider to be had at said Irish bar), the best part of the evening came when we had stepped outside to consider other plans for the evening.

'Lo and behold, as we exit the bar, what do we see but men in kilts lined up on the sidewalk:

This is the DC Pipe and Drum Band, made up of DC Firefighters. As one of the bagpipers explained, in 2002 a bagpipe-playing firefighter joined a DC firehouse, and proceeded to teach other members to play. They have been going to Irish bars on St. Patty's day to play for the past few years, and they were pretty good!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Illuminate the Positive

These Moroccan lanterns are fantastically easy to make, and the heavens have aligned: I have a free weekend, and an empty sauce jar to use. Thanks to Design*Sponge for once again providing me with inspiration to make my new apartment even more fabulous.

Now Listening: